Breakups, man. They're tough.
A jab to the heart is like any other injury. It needs tender care, rehab, and time to recover.
It needs rest while it's fighting for restoration. And it won't happen all at once -- oh no, of course not. Each day will be a battle. But each day, it will become closer and closer, it will fight harder and harder, and it's great efforts will start to show results. Perhaps it will be patched, and that patch may fall off a couple times. There will be complications. But eventually, the treatments will start to work. And your body will heal your precious heart the way it heals any wound...with time. It will scab, and perhaps even scar....but it will become healthy once again.
Breakups are called break-ups for a reason. It's everything you've built together...crumbling down into a big heap of rubble. It's your heart, once so full and vibrant with the love for another, so excited to beat, beat, beat -- now sluggishly pumping blood out of a selfless act to keep all other organs intact.
But sometimes, certain things have to fall apart so better things can fall together.
It's important to find happiness in your life outside that person who used to make you smile until your cheeks hurt. Because it exists all around you in so many aspects of life. And those need to be celebrated. They brought you that same happiness before that one person came along. And they exist whether you're completely alone or in good company. Whether you're absolutely heartbroken....or head-over-heels in love. Life is full, even when you feel absolutely empty.
It's important to remember that a part of you is not missing. I know it feels like it. I know you may feel empty and strange and not yourself. But you were beautifully whole before him, and he did not take anything from you. It's important to remember this.
It's also important to remember the sun will keep rising every morning and the garden will still be in bloom tomorrow and the birds will keep chirping before you can even consider forcing yourself out of bed, and that bacon egg and cheese will still taste euphorically good.
Love will overcome pain -- every single time -- if only you can find it in yourself, and the wonderful people who surround you.
Allow yourself to feel all of the awful things you may feel. Anger, sadness, hatred, loneliness, desire, remorse. It's a loss, and just like anything else, it must be mourned.
But just like anything else, it too will pass. And you will love again.
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